Health News

In Settling Fraud Case, New York Medicare Advantage Insurer, CEO Will Pay up to $100M

A western New York health insurance provider for seniors and the CEO of its medical analytics arm have agreed to pay a total of...

How To Make Natural Lip Gloss

I’ve enjoyed making my own lipstick with natural ingredients but sometimes a girl needs a little lip gloss. A natural lip gloss can add...

Low-Sugar Pumpkin Pie

When you’re working toward nutrition and wellness goals, the holidays can be tricky. How do you find the right balance between getting the nutrients...

Más californianos están muriendo por el frío. Gran parte son personas mayores sin techo

SACRAMENTO, California — Un número creciente de personas —muchas de ellas mayores y sin hogar— están muriendo de frío durante el invierno. La hipotermia causada...

How to Choose The Best Kids Toys (That Won’t Clutter Your Home)

Home is where the heart is, and for many of us in the developed world it’s also where a ton of stuff is! Our...

High-Protein Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough

When you imagine making holiday goodies you probably picture 5-pound bags of flour and sugar, a kitchen sink filled with mixing bowls, and a...
